
Copyright Tips for Faculty and Students

The OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum.

Google Books

Google Books has more than 10 million free books available for users to read and download. Google's free books are made available to read through careful consideration of and respect for copyright law globally: they are public-domain works, made free on request of the copyright owner, or copyright-free, e.g. US government documents.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar allows you to search scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources from a variety of databases.


Pubmed is the most popular and free-to-use medical search engine. It allows you to search for biomedical and life sciences literature, and also covers related fields such as bioengineering, behavioral sciences, and chemical sciences.

Pubmed allows you to search through several resources of the  U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM):


MEDLINE primarily contains citations from journals with articles that are indexed with MeSH (Medical Subject Headings). 

PubMed Central (PMC)

PubMed Central (PMC) contains full-text articles from journals that have been selected by NLM for archiving. 


Bookshelf is an archive of books and reports within the biomedical and life sciences field.


ScienceDirect is a medical search engine that allows you to find articles from medical journals.

Cochrane Library 

The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence used by healthcare decision-makers to make informed decisions.


Scopus is an abstract and citation database.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Dadabase@Taiwan

TCM Database@Taiwan: The World's Largest Traditional Chinese Medicine Database for Drug Screening In Silico. The Databases aim to bridge the East-West divide of drug discovery.

台灣中醫藥資料庫是目前全世界最大提供下載虛擬篩選的中醫藥小分子資料庫。中醫藥資料庫@Taiwan (Traditional Chinese Medicine Database@Taiwan) 提供多樣的查詢,且是目前為止全世界最大可以提供免費下載資料庫內的中草藥化合物, 由於資料庫內提供的文件格式是可以直接進行分子對接(docking)和分子動力仿真(molecular dynamics simulation)的,因此他的獨特性以及完整性也是目前為止,只有本資料庫擁有。



Chinese Medicinal Material Images Database

The Chinese Medicinal Material Images Database documents over 420 crude drugs commonly used in Chinese Medicine practice. The database provides drug information, including source, origins, description,  quality,  taste, and clinical indications. Annotated high-quality photographs are used to Illustrate and identify the key properties and selected microstructures of the drugs. The search function enables the convenient retrieval of records. This online database was developed as a teaching and learning platform for the subjects of Chinese Materia Medica and Authentification of Chinese Materia Medica, and to promote the popularization of Chinese Medicine knowledge.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Resource Platform

The Traditional Chinese Medicine Resource Platform has online resources on traditional Chinese medicine. It provides multiple resources and valuable reference documents for the traditional Chinese medicine industry and related industries, including electronic pharmacopeia, traditional Chinese medicine-related databases, scientific data resource search, traditional Chinese medicine policies and regulations, and pharmaceutical production quality management documents (GMP SOP) and registration requirements for proprietary Chinese medicines, etc.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

NCCIH is the Federal Government's lead agency for conducting and supporting research and providing information about complementary health products and practices. Herbs at a Glance, a series of 42 patient information sheets, is listed at

NIH Office of Dietary Supplements

Provides an overview of vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements with two levels of information – Health Professional and QuickFacts.

Dietary Supplements Labels Database

Dietary Supplements Labels Database offers information about label ingredients, enabling users to compare label ingredients in different brands. Each dietary supplement has additional links to other government-created HDS resources such as Medline, Clinical, and NCCAM.

MedlinePlus – Dietary Supplements

This consumer health database from the National Library of Medicine offers extensive information on dietary supplements. (Free)

University of Wisconsin Family Medicine Integrative Health Website

An excellent resource for clinician learning modules and patient information handouts.

National Library of Medicine

Digital Collections provides access to the National Library of Medicine's distinctive digital content in the areas of biomedicine, health care and the history of medicine. Our unique digital collections are freely available for download worldwide and in the public domain unless otherwise indicated.

Digital Health Resources Library

The Digital Medicine Society (DiMe) collaborated with the Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) and Center for Health + Technology (CHeT) at the University of Rochester, to create a crowdsourced library of what the community has found to be the most valuable and useful resources in digital health.

Journal of Molecular Cell Biology - Oxford Academic

The Journal of Molecular Cell Biology is a fully open access, peer-reviewed journal interested in inter-disciplinary studies at the cross-sections between molecular and cell biology as well as other disciplines in life sciences.

Open Access Publisher

Open Access Journals operated by 50,000+ Editorial Board Members and esteemed reviewers and 1000+ Scientific associations in Medical, Clinical, Pharmaceutical, Engineering, Technology and Management Fields.

Food Publications

This website is operated by the U.S. Government Publishing Office Pueblo Distribution Center (US GPO PDC) to support free federal publication distribution activities.
The Food category contains publications grouped by topics. Choose any of the topics listed below to narrow your search for a specific publication.
Food Topics
-Food Safety

Health Publications

This website is operated by the U.S. Government Publishing Office Pueblo Distribution Center (US GPO PDC) to support free federal publication distribution activities.
The Health category contains publications grouped by topics. Choose any of the topics listed below to narrow your search for a specific publication.
Health Topics
-Cosmetics and Cosmetic Procedures
-Drugs & Health Aids
-Health Scams and Fraud
-Medical Problems
-Medical Tests
-Reproductive Health

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